iOS developer (Киев, офис)

Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Florida, USA, Depositphotos is the fastest growing microstock agency in the world. We serve customers from over 192 countries, giving them support in 14 languages. Being a creative content marketplace, Depositphotos allows everyone to buy and sell high-quality stock photos, vector images, and videos.
We build ios app/project connected to fashion bassed on mathematical model, semantics and heuristic.
Needed skills:
Objective-C & Cocoa Touch (MVC, KVC, ARC, GCD, Core Data).
Custom user interface development: UIControl, UIKit, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Core Text.
Client-server communication: HTTP, JSON, REST.
iOS7, Xode5, Autolayout.
Office is located in Kyiv.
Contact us:
skype: anton.kartavtsev
tel.: 0681286810