Java Apprentice (Киев, офис)

HamsterCoders is a relatively young and extremely skilled team of highly motivated professionals on a quest to conquer the world.
You will be involved in the same projects as our Java Gurus are and eventually gain knowledge they have.
In order to qualify you must:
have an ability and be eager to learn;
not be afraid of complicated tasks that may seem (and in fact be)unsolveable;
ability to fall in love with what you do;
never give up.
Bonus skills:
good knowledge of Java and C++
understading how distributed sytems would be build;
any experience with anything close to what we do.
When Applying:
It’s important to understand that you do not have to meet all the requirements listed in actual job positions in order to join our team. All you need is to be really passionate, smart and eager to learn. We have Junior positions for most of Senior counterparts.
Don’t forget to tell us:
how cool and awesome you are;
hobby-projects count;
code samples/github links would be nice.
Working Environment & Benefits:
competitive salary;
flexible working schedule;
medical insurance;
gym memberships;
bureaucracy-free environment;
state-of-the-art workplace with powerful pc and dual monitor set-up;
some heavy partying upon product launch or significant milestone completion.
Get in touch with us: